Invisible Forces, 2018 - 2020

“Invisible Forces” is an ongoing series of works based on the tradition of the paper flyer, a vernacular means of communication and exchange. The works present photographic images of things discovered on routine walks in places I live and visit, accompanied by short texts - philosophical and poetical free-association on topics reflected in the photos. The flyers, either distributed anonymously in public spaces or presented in exhibitions, incorporate their immediate surroundings, thus making them site-specific, as well as a form of urban archaeology. “Invisible Forces” reflects on how precariously we assign value, consume and discard, and ultimately, how life and death are inscribed in material culture.

“Invisible Forces” takes two forms simultaneously that respond to two different display contexts: simple paper photocopies (8.5” x 11”) that are anonymously distributed on bulletin boards as well as “unofficial” public sites; and as inkjet prints on thin aluminum sheets - the metal cut and bent to simulate the paper flyers - for exhibiting in art spaces. In both cases, the photo/texts present something discovered near to, or in the same location as their installation.

Hyperobjects for Artists
Edited by Timothy Morton and Laura Copellin with Peyton Gardner
Ballroom Marfa

I Marfa Poetry Festival
Org. by Marfa Book Company
Tim Johnson and Josh Edwards
Aug 9 - 13, 2017

Transborder Biennial / La Bienal Transfronteriza
El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso,TX & Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
June 1 - Sept 16, 2018

Open Sessions 12
The Drawing Center LAB, New York
Oct 12 - Dec 2, 2018

BAM Brooklyn
Towards a New Archaeology
Sept 13 - Jan 6, 2019

Night of Philosophy
The New School
October 5th, 2019